-> iosDevShow drv name 0 /null 1 /tyCo/0 1 /tyCo/1 3 flash: 5 : 2 tracertPipe 2 /pipe/1 3 ram: value = 25 = 0x19 -> iosDrvShow drv create delete open close read write ioctl 1 806dfe24 0 806dfe24 806dfe74 806e02f4 806e0fd0 806dfec8 2 0 0 806da690 806da6e8 806da718 806da770 806da8f4 3 806c1a88 806c1f2c 806c16a8 806c1b3c 806c2a3c 806c2ae4 806c3690 4 0 0 0 806a2e6c 806a2eb4 806a2e90 806a2ed8 5 806910e0 80691350 8069164c 80691884 80692cb8 80692fe8 8069321c value = 80 = 0x50 = 'P' -> iosFdShow fd name drv 3 /tyCo/0 1 in out err 4 (socket) 4 5 (socket) 4 6 (socket) 4 7 tracertPipe 2 8 tracertPipe 2 9 (socket) 4 10 (socket) 4 11 /pipe/1 2 12 (socket) 4 13 (socket) 4 14 (socket) 4 15 (socket) 4 16 /pipe/1 2 17 (socket) 4 18 (socket) 4 19 /tyCo/0 1 20 (socket) 4 value = 32 = 0x20 = ' '
-> iosDevShow drv name 0 /null 1 /tyCo/0 1 /tyCo/1 4 host: 1 /tyCo/serial0 5 flash: 2 tracertPipe 2 /pipe/1 5 ram: value = 25 = 0x19 -> iosDrvShow drv create delete open close read write ioctl 1 4fad94 0 4fad94 4fadd4 4fb1c0 4fbd04 4fae18 2 0 0 4f6a44 4f6a88 4f6ab0 4f6ae8 4f6c28 3 0 0 0 4d1d4c 4d1d74 4d1d60 4d1d88 4 4d7b5c 4d7e74 4d8174 4d83a0 4d9990 4d9c7c 4d9e58 5 4e5c28 4e5bdc 4e58ac 4e52d8 4e66fc 4e677c 4e6fd8 value = 80 = 0x50 = 'P' -> iosFdShow fd name drv 3 /tyCo/0 1 4 (socket) 3 5 /tyCo/serial0 1 in out err 6 (socket) 3 7 (socket) 3 8 (socket) 3 9 (socket) 3 10 (socket) 3 11 (socket) 3 12 (socket) 3 13 tracertPipe 2 14 tracertPipe 2 15 /pipe/1 2 16 (socket) 3 17 (socket) 3 18 (socket) 3 19 (socket) 3 20 /pipe/1 2 21 (socket) 3 22 (socket) 3 23 (socket) 3 value = 32 = 0x20 = ' '
A file descriptor is global to a system. For example, a task, A, that performs a write( ) on fd 7 will write to the same file (and device) as a task, B, that performs a write( ) on fd 7.
These standard fds are used to make tasks and modules independent of their actual I/O assignments. If a module sends its output to standard output (fd = 1), then its output can be redirected to any file or device, without altering the module.
The implementation of printf( ), sprintf( ), and sscanf( ), traditionally considered part of the stdio package, is part of a different package in VxWorks.
Most commonplace uses of I/O in VxWorks are completely source-compatible with I/O in UNIX and Windows. However, note the following differences:
- Device Configuration..
In VxWorks, device drivers can be installed and removed dynamically.
- File Descriptors..
In UNIX and Windows, fds are unique to each process. In VxWorks, fds are global entities, accessible by any task, except for standard input, standard output, and standard error (0, 1, and 2), which can be task specific.
- I/O Control..
The specific parameters passed to ioctl( ) functions can differ between UNIX and VxWorks.
- Driver Routines..
In UNIX, device drivers execute in system mode and cannot be preempted. In VxWorks, driver routines can be preempted because they execute within the context of the task that invoked them.
错误流 stderr 是非缓冲的。输出流 stdout是行缓冲的,如果它指向一个终端。注意当 stdin 与一个终端关联时,也许终端驱动中存在输入缓冲,与stdio 缓冲完全无关。(确实如此,一般的终端输入在内核中是行缓冲的。)
-> adsysReboot() fdStdin:0x0000000,fdStdout:0x0000000,fdStderr:0x0000000 [tShell]Rebooting...[tShell]
-> fdStdin:0x0000000,fdStdout:0x0000000,fdStderr:0x0000000 [tSysTimer]Rebooting...[tSysTimer]
TP-LINK#reset System software reset, are you sure? (Y/N)Y Operation OK!Now rebooting system...fdStdin:0x0000000,fdStdout:0x0000000,fdStderr:0x0000000 [tConsole]Rebooting...[tConsole] TP-LINK# TP-LINK#
TP-LINK#reset System software reset, are you sure? (Y/N)Y Operation OK!Now rebooting system... TP-LINK# TP-LINK#
#ifdef INCLUDE_IO_SYSTEM iosInit (NUM_DRIVERS, NUM_FILES, "/null"); consoleFd = NONE; /* assume no console device */ #ifdef INCLUDE_TYCODRV_5_2 #ifdef INCLUDE_TTY_DEV if (NUM_TTY > 0) { tyCoDrv (); /* install console driver */ for (ix = 0; ix < NUM_TTY; ix++) /* create serial devices */ { sprintf (tyName, "%s%d", "/tyCo/", ix); (void) tyCoDevCreate (tyName, ix, 512, 512); if (ix == CONSOLE_TTY) strcpy (consoleName, tyName); /* store console name */ } consoleFd = open (consoleName, O_RDWR, 0); /* set baud rate */ (void) ioctl (consoleFd, FIOBAUDRATE, CONSOLE_BAUD_RATE); (void) ioctl (consoleFd, FIOSETOPTIONS, OPT_TERMINAL); } #endif /* INCLUDE_TTY_DEV */ #else /* !INCLUDE_TYCODRV_5_2 */ #ifdef INCLUDE_TTY_DEV if (NUM_TTY > 0) { ttyDrv(); /* install console driver */ for (ix = 0; ix < NUM_TTY; ix++) /* create serial devices */ { #if (defined(INCLUDE_WDB) && (WDB_COMM_TYPE == WDB_COMM_SERIAL)) if (ix == WDB_TTY_CHANNEL) /* don't use WDBs channel */ continue; #endif sprintf (tyName, "%s%d", "/tyCo/", ix); (void) ttyDevCreate (tyName, sysSerialChanGet(ix), 512, 512); if (ix == CONSOLE_TTY) /* init the tty console */ { strcpy (consoleName, tyName); consoleFd = open (consoleName, O_RDWR, 0); (void) ioctl (consoleFd, FIOBAUDRATE, CONSOLE_BAUD_RATE); (void) ioctl (consoleFd, FIOSETOPTIONS, OPT_TERMINAL); } } } #endif /* INCLUDE_TTY_DEV */ #ifdef INCLUDE_PC_CONSOLE pcConDrv (); for (ix = 0; ix < N_VIRTUAL_CONSOLES; ix++) { sprintf (tyName, "%s%d", "/pcConsole/", ix); (void) pcConDevCreate (tyName,ix, 512, 512); if (ix == PC_CONSOLE) /* init the console device */ { strcpy (consoleName, tyName); consoleFd = open (consoleName, O_RDWR, 0); (void) ioctl (consoleFd, FIOBAUDRATE, CONSOLE_BAUD_RATE); (void) ioctl (consoleFd, FIOSETOPTIONS, OPT_TERMINAL); } } #endif /* INCLUDE_PC_CONSOLE */ #endif /* !INCLUDE_TYCODRV_5_2 */ ioGlobalStdSet (STD_IN, consoleFd); ioGlobalStdSet (STD_OUT, consoleFd); ioGlobalStdSet (STD_ERR, consoleFd); #endif /* INCLUDE_IO_SYSTEM */